Over 30 Years Of Trusted And Respected Representation

Effective Representation On Prevailing Wage Issues

Federal and California laws provide a number of protections for workers in the construction industry. One of the protections offered to construction workers is the prevailing wage. If you are a contractor or subcontractor who has failed to pay the prevailing wage rate to construction workers who have performed work on a public works project, you may be confronted with a legal action by a public entity.

If you are a contractor or subcontractor in need of a strong defense, contact Last, Faoro & Whitehorn. Attorneys at the firm have been protecting the rights of contractors and subcontractors for the past 30 years. Our lawyers have experience defending clients who have been accused of failing to pay workers the prevailing wage rate and will work diligently to protect your rights. They also advise contractors and subcontractors on proper compliance with prevailing wage requirements. To contact a construction law attorney at our firm, contact our law office in San Mateo, California.

How We Can Help You Assert Your Rights

The federal prevailing wage law is found primarily in The Davis-Bacon Act. The California application of prevailing wage law is found primarily in the California Labor Code and California Code of Regulations.

Such laws require that contractors and subcontractors must pay a prevailing wage rate to workers for work performed on public works projects. There are few exceptions, and compliance with the law is critical.

Prevailing wages differ depending on the trade and geographical area, and they are subject to periodic change. Contractors and subcontractors must fill out payroll reporting forms to show that they are in compliance with prevailing wage laws.

If you need help complying with prevailing wage laws or you are accused of violating prevailing wage laws, we can help. Our knowledge of the law and the construction industry ensures that you will receive the skilled and knowledgeable representation you require.

Contact A Skilled Attorney

From our office in San Mateo, we serve clients throughout California. To schedule a free consultation with a lawyer at Last, Faoro & Whitehorn, call 650-696-8350. You may also contact us by email.